Over 300 Pages of Content! There is enough content here to sustain you over multiple campaigns and then some.
3 New Adventures Per Month: I create adventures every month, with this tier you can get access to 3 new adventures monthly and their pdf version.
Monsters, Maps and Puzzles: Each included in their respective adventure, plus additional ones, implemented to be easy to re-use.
Daily content pack: You'll receive new subclasses, items, spells, races, monsters, etc... Everyday of the week, Monday through Friday.
Vote in Polls: I create polls very often to see what I should work on, you'll get included in some of those.
Discord: Look cool on discord, ask me questions directly, enjoy amazing memes, and join us for jolly cooperation !
Best part ?
You can get access to all of this for the price of a cup of coffee !

Previous Tier Rewards.
4 Adventures: I create adventures every month, with this tier you can get access to 4 new adventures monthly and their pdf version. ($21 in value).
Compendiums access: Every month I release a compendium full of player options, you'll get access to the two most recently published ones ($17 in value).
Dragon's Hoard: Every month I wrap all of the content released over the month into a Dragon's Hoard - a single digital download. No more sifting through past posts to gather everything released that month! It's wrapped up nicely for you to grab, and this of course means you get access to the latest Dragon's Hoard. (11$ in value)
Daily content pack: You'll receive new subclasses, items, spells, races, monsters, etc... Every single day of the week, Monday through Saturday. (14$ in value)
Polls: I run polls every week to see what I should work on, and the future of MonkeyDM, you'll be included in all of them.
Sneak Peak: You'll see in exclusivity what I'm working on right now, and see creations as I develop them.
Discord Role upgrade: Look cooler on discord, access the #monkey-preview channel to see what I'm currently working on.
Instead of paying $63+ join today for only $6.5 !

Previous tier rewards ($63+ in value)
Tome access: I write tomes including all of my content, filled with everything you need to write your own campaign in the various myth and settings I explore. With this tier, you'll get access to ALL the tomes and compendiums ($41 in value).
ALL Dragon's Hoard: Every month I wrap all of the content released over the month into a Dragon's Hoard - a single digital download. No more sifting through past posts to gather everything released that month! It's wrapped up nicely for you to grab, and this of course means you get access to ALL previous Dragon's Hoard. ($33 in value).
Appreciation: Your name will be included at the end of every compendium that I write. (Note that I will show the name you choose to display on Patreon).
Discord: Highest role in Discord and unlocks all channel.
Instead of paying $137+ you can join for only $12.
Unlock Everything.